PdM IoT: Ignored machines take the lead

Overview: Conversations on the IoT Tech Expo 2018 conference floor by Brad Canham Sometimes conferences provide developers with the technical meat they’re looking for. At other times conferences provide the core movements in a marketplace  the strategists – VCs, product managers, marketing people – are looking for. At the Nov. 28-29, 2018 IoT Tech Expo…

Long-range Bluetooth delivers easy-to-manage data for IoT condition monitoring

CASE STUDY – Long-range Bluetooth IoT delivers easy-to-manage data for IoT condition monitoring SITUATION: Machine health monitoring is “low hanging fruit” in Industry 4.0, providing a competitive edge in the form of reduced downtime, optimized maintenance processes, and increased profitability. Moreover, existing industrial IoT condition monitoring systems prefer the cost and value-added advantages of Bluetooth’s low-power…

IoT Predictive maintenance market: Bluetooth’s lower-costs and value-add edge

By Brad Canham New long-range Bluetooth and Bluetooth edge gateways will continue to provide a competitive advantage within the IoT predictive maintenance market more broadly, and for IoT system integrators specifically. As may be expected of a fast growing market, the predictive maintenance market is attracting “several new players” to the global predictive maintenance market…

Bluetooth IoT predictive maintenance: Bluetooth IoT gateways, sensors, and data

By Brad Canham The following describes the rapid growth of the industrial IoT predictive maintenance market, the emergence of enterprise Bluetooth IoT, and the competitive advantages of long-range Bluetooth edge gateways within the IoT predictive maintenance market for Industry 4.0 manufacturers, and IoT system integrators. IoT Predictive Maintenance: Challenges and Opportunities Few movies capture the…

Infinite Uptime

Monitoring IIoT: How Long-Range Bluetooth Keeps the Machines Running

Infinite Uptime, uses Bluetooth low energy (BLE) vibration sensors in proactive monitoring of industrial machines to avert catastrophic failures. Used in industrial settings worldwide with both indoor and outdoor environments, Infinite Uptime’s system BLE sensors are placed on the side of the machines to get the best vibration patterns. Using standard BLE sensors, Infinite Uptime’s…

Bluetooth LPLAN

Don’t buy the LPWAN hype: Consider your Bluetooth LPLAN options

#EXTENDBLE @ CassiaNetworks In aviation circles, there is a saying, “Any idiot can fly a plane, landing is the hard part.” Similarly, attempts to hype the advantages of Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) Last Mile connectivity down to the sensor/device level in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) deployments tends to spectacularly break apart in the final 100-meters. Especially in industrial…