Did you know Cassia’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) gateways support multiple Wi-Fi connection SSID profiles?

In certain environments, Wi-Fi connections can be unstable as a result of distance, traffic, and/or interference. To maximize Cassia’s gateway uptime and availability to the IoT Access Controller (AC), Cassia offers primary and secondary Wi-Fi connection SSID profile configuration settings. This allows the end-user to set up two Wi-Fi SSID profiles in a separate frequency…

Bluetooth Technology: Fact or Fiction?

Bluetooth is used in almost all major consumer products including phones, tablets, laptops, headphones, speakers, TVs, and fitness wearables just to name a few. However, despite its widespread use, there are still some myths and misconceptions that still persist about Bluetooth technology. Let’s explore some of these myths and the true facts about Bluetooth. Myth…

What is end-to-end encryption?

What is end-to-end encryption and why is it important? In simplest terms, end-to-end encryption is a secure line of communication that blocks third-party users from accessing transferred data. When the data is being transferred online, only the sender and recipient can decrypt it with a key. It’s important because end-to-end encryption helps to mitigate risks…

Happy holidays

A Message from our CEO

Dear Valued Partners and Customers, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your continued great support over the past twelve months. This year has undoubtedly been a very challenging year for all of us due to the ongoing pandemic, and we hope this message finds you all safe and…