
Healthcare Case Study


Chipmunk Health Delivers Innovative Home Health Monitoring Solution with Cassia Networks


In 2018, Chipmunk Health was founded with a mission to revolutionize the way digital technology is being used in healthcare. Their modern and easy to use home health monitoring platform is changing the way patients monitor their vitals and how physicians are using this data to better predict health outcomes. By eliminating the need for smartphones and/or tablets to log patient vitals and transfer this information to doctors, the company’s home health monitoring platform is an efficient way for collecting, filtering and analyzing data to maximize patient compliance, reduce physicians’ workload, improve efficiency and lower cost.


Many telehealth solutions on the market today require people to use an application on their smartphones to record their vitals such as blood pressure, glucose levels and heart rate. The data is then transferred to their physician for further analysis and follow up. The challenge with this manual approach is that not only is it error prone, but the inaccuracy of the information prevents physicians from making the appropriate diagnosis’ and timely follow- ups with patients. Furthermore, today’s physicians are inundated with the volume of data they receive which requires further analysis to determine its validity and value. This process is not only inefficient and costly in terms of labor, but prevents healthcare practitioners from having the ability to accurately predict the health of their patients and provide quality care.


To eliminate the need for mobile devices to record patient data and still have maximum control and compliance over this data, the company needed to find a gateway capable of providing multiple device connectivity and to communicate patient data to their secure cloud solution offered by Philips’ HealthSuite Digital platform (HSDP). Also, Chipmunk Health needed a gateway that could reliably connect to their standard set of sensors such as weight scales, blood pressure monitors and activity trackers.


The company needed a partner that would help scale their home health monitoring solution by delivering a reliable, robust and easy to use alternative to smartphones and tablets. After a competitive evaluation, they discovered an opportunity with Cassia Networks to provide them with the ideal solution to meet their requirements.

Multiple Device Connectivity

Chipmunk Health delivers home health kits to patients, equipped with specific devices tailored for their health needs along with Cassia’s S2000 Bluetooth gateway. Cassia’s S2000 allows up to 20 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices to be connected simultaneously in one’s home and still provide reliable and seamless connectivity. Patients can now conveniently place their health devices such as a blood pressure monitor in their room of choice and be assured their data is being securely communicated to the cloud.

Remote management, control and easy to use

Having a secure and privacy-protected data infrastructure that can connect devices and securely transmit, store and analyze patient data was a critical requirement for Chipmunk Health. By using Cassia’s S2000 Bluetooth gateway and IoT Access Controller (AC), the company can easily and remotely manage hundreds of home health devices from one centralized dashboard. Furthermore, Chipmunk Health has complete control over how patient data is analyzed and interpreted before it is sent to the patient’s primary care physician. Doctors are now equipped with evidence- based data allowing them to follow up with their patients only when necessary.


By harnessing the power of Cassia’s S2000 Bluetooth gateway and IoT AC, Chipmunk Health can offer their home health monitoring system to patients and providers at a lower cost and still have the control, compliance and ease of use.

Maximizing control, compliance and self-management

The combination of Cassia’s S2000 Bluetooth gateway and IoT AC provide remote access and control of multiple Bluetooth low energy devices simultaneously without requiring any changes to the end devices. By eliminating the need to use a mobile device to log patient data, the company has control over how the data is transferred to maximize and ensure patient compliance. The advantages are twofold: healthcare professionals benefit from the accuracy and validity of the data allowing them to provide improved quality care and patients are empowered with an easy to use self- managed health tool that allows them access to their data anytime.

Improving security and efficiency while reducing cost

Collectively with Philips’ HSDP cloud solution, Cassia’s S2000 Bluetooth gateway and IoT AC, Chipmunk Health can now offer a complete home health management tool that is capable of securely transferring patient data to the cloud where it is stored, managed and analyzed. Furthermore, the company now provides a more efficient, cost-effective and secure telehealth service for patients and providers.

Chipmunk Healths’ monitoring solution increases clinical workflow efficiency by triaging each case and improving communication by storing, filtering and evaluating patient data before it is sent to the provider allowing for improved decision making.

Together with Cassia Networks, Chipmunk Health is demonstrating the value of its platform by allowing providers to offer high-quality care in an accessible manner, improving overall patient satisfaction and reducing costs.

Cassia understood what we needed. They actively helped us build our Telehealth Platform that works flawlessly in the background, without burdening patients and their healthcare providers with technology. The ability to collect time-series of patient- generated health data wirelessly from multiple sensors gives our young company a huge lead over traditional, smartphone-based patient monitoring solutions.
Erik Duijsens
Founder and CEO


Cassia Networks is the leading provider for enterprise Bluetooth IoT products and solutions. Our patented technology provides the most reliable and easy to manage long-range, multiple device connectivity, edge processing and locationing for Bluetooth IoT networks.

Our mission is to solve the IoT connectivity, locationing and management challenges faced by today’s enterprises and make IoT easy.

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